Nature doesn’t Rush (and neither do I )


There’s a lot of advice out there, telling Us how we should be moving forth in life. From the moment we are born there are milestones to be met – developmental, educational, employment, home-ownership, marriage, parent-hood, retirement – and let’s not overlook those life experience mile-stones of first kiss, date, sexual experience, finding ‘the one’, experiencing the big ‘O” and having your heart broken (yet again) and god-forbid Menopause. These milestones have somehow become the Ultimate Guide to Living Life, the ‘should-have’ things we desire to achieve. And all to be achieved within a targeted time-frame nonetheless.

Once upon-a-time, my picture of the future was painted (ever so brightly) with the ages I should peak at everything throughout life.  Now, just thinking about these so-called major mile-stones makes my head spin! If I’m to believe all I’ve been told, I’m past making a Nobel Prize winning discovery and – If I’m willing to wait – in another 15 years I’ll be happy with my body.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of being blown away by what someone else achieved while feeling confused or frustrated as to why this hasn’t happened for you. It’s been a little this way for me on my healing journey and what I’ve discerned is the milestone most needing to be meet is –

To be the best version of YOU that you can be!

There’s no waiting to be 100% healed. No waiting to be 100% raw food eating. No waiting to be marathon ready. To be ‘the best version of YOU that you can be‘ requires no ‘right-time’ because it’s all available for the happening right NOW! Start each day by putting your best foot forward. Observe the beauty around you. Smile a smile filled with such warmth you outshine the Sun. Living a life defined by a positive sense of Self and not one created from societal/developmental milestones is free-ing. The burden of failure, expectation, self-judgement and criticism can be left behind – it doesn’t factor into living life beautifully. I know first-hand how challenging/daunting this can be, but in actual fact it is surprisingly easy to achieve. The key is to turn up the dial on your own heartbeat and increase your power of presence.

There is a path unfolding for you and leading you right towards wholeness, healing and Well Being.

The moment you can start seeing and experiencing the beauty around you, turn down the ‘could have/should have/need to’ dial, the negative disruptive noise stops and you regain the ability to create and connect like never before. My health journey is a work in progress. My life is a work in progress. I don’t need any major milestones to direct me. I’m writing my own life Manual as I go along. This is such an exciting time for Me. I am the creator of my own health and my body has been begging me, trying to grab my attention for decades now, asking me to return to Wholeness (as an Individual and as part of a Collective wholeness to meaningful connection to all that there is). As Nature’s beauty unfolds, so do I.

I AM slowly bringing the pieces of myself back together

Recently, Jeff and I went hiking at Mount Kaputar.  1500m above sea level,  20 million years in the making, the dramatic landscape of narrow valleys and steep ridges made of ancient lava terraces were a joy to walk, climb and scramble across. At times I sounded like an old train huffing and puffing my way ever upward. On the flat I felt nimble-footed and free as my stride stretched out. But most of all – I ‘felt’ like ME. Reconnecting with the dreams I’d lost to the dis-ease in my life, challenging myself to a physical endurance which was slightly terrifying in terms of my vision and dizzy heights but so very, very invigorating. I was no longer remembering what I love to do – I was doing it – off on an adventure. Tapping into the natural flow of nature, away from the mundane tasks of every day life, embracing what my soul has been aching for.

I AM actively choosing inspired action!

I look at this photo and I see reminders of my compromised cardiac function – swollen ankles and feet (and we were only 10kms in with the 10 km climb out still to come). I look at this photo and I see one lone wild flower and the message is clear – It is in our nature to grow, and part of getting ‘back to yourself’ can actually mean trying things you’ve never tried. And this is what my healing journey is so much about. From eating a 100% raw vegan plant-based diet to now facing the prospect of  steaming the ‘cruciferous components’ of my diet. I’ve ‘cooled down’ way too much on a raw food diet and it seems my furnace/thyroid has run out of fire! Getting those detoxifying pathways active through rebounding, dry skin brushing, hot saunas, castor oil compresses, long hot magnesium soaks and a good bit of de-stressing. Letting go of any ‘expectations’ that will limit my growth and healing and being open to transformational ‘thinking’ every day (in some small way). Today, I’ve listened to Alberto Villoldo Ph.D share “How to Grow a New Body Using Ancient Healing Secrets” on the Hay House World Summit 2018.

Just seeing this little wild flower on my screen soothes my soul and evokes a sense of natural wonder. Wonder in the restorative power of Mother Nature and her healing abilities. Wonder in MY innate ability to heal ‘Me’. Nature doesn’t rush – and on this life journey, neither do I.


One Comment Add yours

  1. Debra says:

    Lovely read and good reminder to go within and listen


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