Nature doesn’t Rush (and neither do I )

At times I sounded like an old train huffing and puffing my way ever upward. On the flat I felt nimble-footed and free as my stride stretched out. But most of all – I ‘felt’ like ME. Reconnecting with the dreams I’d lost to the dis-ease in my life, challenging myself to a physical endurance which was slightly terrifying in terms of my vision and dizzy heights but so very, very invigorating. I was no longer remembering what I love to do – I was doing it – off on an adventure. Tapping into the natural flow of nature, away from the mundane tasks of every day life, embracing what my soul has been aching for.

Create more balance in an unbalanced world.

To be honest – I do feel myself waiver, I feel the fear rise, I feel myself becoming unbalanced before my feet leave the ground. I look at the rickety wooden planks, the sharp sticks waiting below, and wonder if a deep calming breath will be enough to guide me to the other side.

Be your best self, in the most vivid possible way you can.

“Create a vision of health and well-being, then step into that ‘be-ing’ as if it were already true. Be your best self, in the most vivid possible way you can. You can begin right now, reclaiming your divine right to prosper in wellness. You can begin now, to feel the nurturing hand of nature upon you. The Universe will always correspond to the nature of your vision and your hearts song”

The Journey Begins

Healing encompasses all of my Be-ing. Guidance comes in many forms – from the breeze rustling the leaves in the trees to the written and often unspoken message the cards deliver to me. I AM responsive and willing to look beyond my physical self for nurturing. I AM aligned with my Souls highest potential –…